A wellness routine is a great way to support your mental and physical health. Following some simple lifestyle tips can have a huge impact on your wellbeing.
We’ve put together a guide to how we’ll be spending this Wellness Wednesday.
Our Steps To Wellness
1. Get Some Sleep
If you find yourself dreaming of a nap all day, you’re probably not getting enough sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can increase our risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. (1) During sleep our cells repair and our nerves reorganise to support healthy brain function. So, getting the recommended 8 hours really is crucial to our wellbeing.
Staying away from caffeine can help to restore our sleeping patterns. Implementing an evening routine is great too, so try to get into bed at the same time each night and put your phone away long before you try to sleep.
2. Exercise Outside
We all know that exercising is important, but going outside can benefit our mood and lower levels of anxiety and stress. Plus, outdoors exercise can boost our levels of vitamin D, which is essential for our immunity and muscle health. 2